Comprehensive Student Guidance Service (CSGS)
Our Services

Student Guidance Team

Personal Growth Education (PGE)

Responsive Service

Student Guidance Team
Scope of Services:
The student guidance service forms an integral part of the whole school system, being closely linked with and unable to separate from other systems within school, such as management and organization, learning and teaching, etc. It is only through the intensive collaboration among these systems that schools would be able to effectively implement the student guidance service for the healthy development of students.
The CSGS includes the following four domains of service:
1. Policy and Organization
2. Personal Growth Education
3. Supportive Service
4. Responsive Service
服務範疇 :
學生輔導是學校整體的一環,與學校其他系統(例如管理與組織及學與教等) 關係密切,是不可分割的。透過不同系統的緊密合作和互相配合,學校才能成功推行學生輔導服務,協助學生健康成長。
1. 政策與組織
2. 個人成長教育
3. 支援服務
4. 輔助服務